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Shine Brighter Together

Jul 19, 2022

This episode is most definitely different than any other episode this season. In this episode, Monique goes live on IG while recording this podcast. She talks in detail about her move to Spain and answers questions from folks on IG about what this journey has been like for her. 


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Jul 12, 2022

In this episode, Monique talks about her move to Spain during a pandemic. She shares her joys and challenges adjusting to the move. Join in for some laughs as she talks about adjusting to life in another country and living in the reality of your dreams. 



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Jul 5, 2022

In this episode, Monique takes you through another guided meditation while focusing on your body. Take a moment to sit down and become one with yourself as you repeat affirmations to re-affirm yourself in your body. 

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